New Year’s resolutions started over 4000 years ago and it is something so many people do! Every year, my husband and I sit down on New Year’s Eve and look back on what that we loved the most the past year, what wasn’t so great, and what we wanted for the next year together. This… Couples who talk about sex have better sex! Being open and honest about what you need and want in the bedroom (or outside of the bedroom!) can really help you feel confident and sexy when you are with your partner. This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases… 15 Great New Year’s Resolutions for couples
Couples who talk about sex have better sex (5 reasons to have that convo!)
Lets Talk About Sex, Baby!
Posted in relationship goals, Gift guides & holidays, Let's talk about sex, baby, love
Tagged love, marriage, relationships, resolutions
Posted in relationship goals, Let's talk about sex, baby, love
Tagged couples, marriage, sex, spouse, talking
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