New Year’s resolutions started over 4000 years ago and it is something so many people do! Every year, my husband and I sit down on New Year’s Eve and look back on what that we loved the most the past year, what wasn’t so great, and what we wanted for the next year together.
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We are so thankful that we have been able to start and end each year with someone we love. This will be our 5th New Year’s together and each year it seems as if our love grows more and more!
Every year, we make a list of resolutions, not only for ourselves but also as a couple. We write them down and use the year to really work toward what we need and want for our relationship. It’s okay if our resolutions change throughout the year or even if we take some off the list if we feel they are no longer relevant to our relationship. Whatever will help you both grow together.
Some of your resolutions might be ways to connect with your partner, create stability with money, or even more fun in the bedroom. It can be really anything that will help your marriage and love.

15 Top Resolutions Couples Should Commit To
- Spend at least 30 minutes together talking and connecting without distraction
This one is so important for any relationship. My husband and I already make sure that we spend at least 30 minutes alone every night that is spent just connecting with each other. We may spend it with wine, massages, and good conversations or it may be the times we spend in the bath together with some soft music. However we spend it, it is always just my husband and me. We leave our phones in the other room and just spend it connecting with each other. These little moments bring us so much closer together and give us the time we both need to reconnect after our busy days. - Make sure to tell your partner what you appreciate about them more
Communicating what you appreciate about your partner can really boost the love and passion in your relationship. This is something that is always on our resolutions list because we both love to know that what we do for the other is being seen and noticed. It is such an important and easy thing you can add to your relationship. Just telling your husband “you know, I really appreciate you helping me with dinner tonight” or “Babe, I really appreciate the lunch you made”. Those simple comments can show so much love. - Check-In throughout the day
Yes, do this even if you are working from home! My husband and I check in throughout the day, and he has been working from home since April, just by asking “how is work going?” or “do you need any more coffee?” just little questions to let that person know we are thinking of them and checking in with them. - Schedule a “business meeting” with your partner to go over family finances
One of the top reasons for divorce is money. It is one of the biggest stressors in a relationship so keeping up with the family finances is huge and why it should be something you and your partner start setting a time to go together for. I’m not saying it should be every week but at least once a month should really help. - Up your sexual connection
This is another huge thing couples go through. Lack of intimacy. I get it, there is only so much time in a day and most of it is consumed with kids, household chores, work, dinner, and everything else that has to be done. Sex can be the last thing that is on your mind, but honestly, it shouldn’t be! A huge stress reliever is through sex and intimate connections. This is something that has always been strong and important in my relationship with my husband. Throughout the day, we will tell each other what we are excited to do with (or to!) each other. We always keep our intimacy as a necessity in our relationship.
A huge way we keep up with our sexual connection is by keeping it fun and relaxing. It has never felt like a chore or something we have to do. I just bought my husband this great Fun and Romantic Game for Couples! It is fantastic!
6. Have a weekly/monthly date night
Not every date night needs to be one where you go out or one where your kids aren’t home. My husband and I have date nights whether we have a house full of kids or they are spending the nights at their Grammy and Poppy’s house.
We make a true effort to always have that one on one time. Whether we choose to wait to have dinner until the kids are in bed and wait to go to sleep and really enjoy each other’s company. We almost always include massages, good conversations, and wine to our date nights. We love to go out to a romantic restaurant and cherish those alone times but we also make the best of date nights at home. Adding these in, even at home, can really keep the love and passion alive.
7. Read More
Now you don’t need to take turn reading a paragraph but instead of sitting down and watching TV every night. Why don’t you both grab your favorite book and a glass of wine and enjoy a couple chapters. You can even talk about why you like the book or what exciting event happened in each of yours. Just a simple small thing to do, together.
8. Exercise Together
Creating the commitment to both working out and doing it together can create such an amazing bond and support. My husband and I both go to the gym, two hours apart from each other (I go at 4am and he goes at 6am) but we use the gym as a way of supporting each other. It helps us feel better individually and as a couple.
9. Cook Together & Try New Foods
This one is going to be on mine and my husband’s resolution list. I am almost always the one who cooks and I am the one who takes over when my husband tries to cook for me… so this year we are going to try doing it together while we try different foods too! It can be such an exciting thing when you whip up something neither of you have tried only to find out it is something you both love.
10. Do not bottle up your feelings anymore
This one is hard because you might think “it’s not worth it” to bring it up but if it is bothering you, it will come up eventually. When my husband and I first started dating and getting serious, one of our biggest issues was my lack of communication. I would hold everything inside, it took a lot of work on my end but I can truly say that our relationship is so much stronger, healthier and more full of love because neither of us hold in our feelings.
If one of us is hurting we will tell the other, if one of us is annoyed because the other did something that really bothers us, we will tell the other. We try to communicate whatever we can so we don’t end up just blowing up. It is so unhealthy and causes more heartache and strain when you bottle things up, just make sure your partner is ready to listen.
This was on our New Year’s Resolution list from a couple years back and it has truly changed our relationship for the better so much!
11. Start a 365 day journal together
Have each of you write down something you loved about that day, about the other, something you did together, how you felt about something, maybe something that was hard that day, etc. Do it every day and when the next year comes, go through all of your favorite memories with a glass of wine. There will be laughter and maybe even some tears, but they will be the views from both of you. Just no peeking before the next year! This is a great one to keep adding to your New Year’s Resolutions because every year will be new and exciting memories to look back on!
12. Get some fun toys
My husband and I love toys, we have a whole drawer full. It keeps it sexy and hot and makes us feel so much love. It creates fun in the bedroom (and maybe kitchen, living room, shower…well you get the point…) Why not add some of that spiciness and fun into your New Year’s Resolutions?
Some of our favorite toys that we highly recommend are:
– O Wow Vibrating Ring
– Satisfyer Pro 2 Next Generation
– Satisfyer Partner Plus Remote Control
– Tinglers Vibrating Plug
– Passion Sensual Massage Oil
– Überlube Luxury Lubricant
– Under The Bed Restraints
– Shibari Mini Halo Plus
There are so many toys and items to spruce up your sex life! I love checking out Amazon, Adam and Eve and My Sensual Secrets
13. Create a 1/5/10/15 year plan
This is definitely a must in every relationship. Talk about where you both want to be in a year or in 10, talk about what dreams you want to accomplish, or where you want to be working, etc. Whatever else you see for yourself, share with your partner. Work on getting to those dreams and making them a reality. Create a realistic plan and every week or every month go over it, find out how you have or have not been sticking to your plans. It is okay to adjust them as needed! This is something that can be added to your New Year’s Resolutions every year!
14. Renew Your Vows
People grow differently and at different rates. Why not take a half an hour every year to renew and/or update your vows. Maybe one of the vows you made so many years ago seems to be something you really need to work on more, maybe there are other things you want to vow to your partner. Never stop trying to grow together, even if you are growing at different speeds, its okay. As long as you vow to continue to grow together.
15. Spend less time in front of a screen and more time with your partner
I get that this can be hard some times. After a long days work, you just want to relax with your favorite shows or apps and just chill. My husband and I have plenty of nights of snuggling up on the couch with a movie or our binge-worthy shows but we always make time for “no screens” too.
Whenever we are off work, our phones get put down and we focus on each other. We turn the tv off and just hang out with each other. We both love that intimate 1:1 time that we hardly get with 4 kids and full-time jobs. We choose to make that choice to bring us together and closer.

Those are just a couple of our New Year’s Resolutions that have brought my husband and I closer that you and your partner should try for 2021!
What are some of your New Year’s Resolutions for your relationship? Let me know in the comments!

Stella Bablo says
All I can say is WOW!
Misty says
I love this list! I’m not one for making “resolutions”, but talking though the things we want to be better at is always a good practice. New Year’s is a perfect time to reconnect and commit to growing closer together 🙂 Happy New Year!
Laila says
These are great ideas!! Happy New Year!
Alita Pacio says
I really wanna read more books this year 🙂 Great list you have here. I enjoyed browsing!
Carrie Pankratz says
I love this so much! The 1/5/10/15 year plan is a wonderful idea. We do many of these things already, but I am going to be adding a couple. Spending less time in front of a screen is a big one. I think we need to have a time where we lock up our phones and spend quality time… even if it is just 30 minutes a day. Great post!
Riley | Motherhood Is A Ministry says
One of my husband and I’s resolutions is to read more!! We want to start a mini book club with the two of us to connect haha!
The Caffeinated Mom says
That is such a cute idea! Love it!
Sydney says
I really love that you write your resolutions down and come back to the list throughout the year! That’s such a great way to keep yourself accountable and make sure you’re resolutions aren’t just empty promises to yourself.
The Caffeinated Mom says
Yes! It is so important to keep checking in on them!
pam says
I have no choice but to make a workout resolution this year. Really do hope I have the courage to keep it up 😀
The Caffeinated Mom says
You can do it! 🙂
anu says
So many great suggestions Thanks ! it’s easy to forget these small yet important ideas -enjoyed it
Samia says
Wow some great new years redolutions.. J stopped making them long time back ?
Portia O. says
After being together almost 30 years, I have to say that talking to each other is an important part of the connection and most definitely should be practiced until it is so natural that you can’t possibly go a day without talking to each other.
Sarah says
This is a great list! I know we definitely both need to work on less screen time and being more focused on each other.
Kimberly says
Really enjoyed this post. 🙂
Alita Pacio says
we’ve established a routine to read together. We have different interests so we read different books but it’s such a good time to sit together and read. Thanks for sharing this!