mantras [ˈmantrə] – NOUN(originally in Hinduism and Buddhism) – a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation.
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Mantras and Affirmations are an amazing way to start your day off. Giving yourself that needed love will ensure your day starts off on the right track. You need to give your mind and body self-love and these are some great little sayings to do that!
1. I am worthy
2. I am enough
3. I am strong
4. Today I have the power to learn & grow
5. I will be present in every moment
6. I will be true to myself & my values
7. Today is full of endless opportunities
8. I will find the beauty in today
9. I can make a change
10. I know that I can make a difference
11. I will be kind to those around me & myself
12. I will be gentle
13. I will take care of my soul

Let’s face it, anxiety sucks! Trust me, I get it. Anxiety is something everyone feels as some point in their lives and knowing how to shift your mind from “Gosh, this is so scary” to creating positive thoughts and energy can drastically change your feelings and honestly, the outcome. If you hold on to the anxiety and fear, you will never fully enjoy the moment; and, who always wants to think in the back of their mind “I wish I wasn’t scared and enjoyed it more”?
10 Helpful Mantras for Anxiety
1. Fear will not control me
2. I will be okay
3. I will be safe
4. I will find joy in everything
5. This too shall pass
6. Every breath I inhale, calms me. Every breath I exhale, takes away tension
7. Anxiety is a visitor passing through
8. I have the strength to overcome this challenge.
9. I believe in myself and my abilities
10. I am fierce, unafraid and bold. I can get through anything.

Your body needs to feel love. So why not truly appreciate everything it has done for you and will continue to do for you? Our bodies are so sacred and amazing, they deserve to feel that.
5 Healthy Mantras for body-love
1. I love my body
2. My body is strong
3. I honor my body as a sacred temple
4. I will give this body the love and care it deserves
5. I will be mindful of negative talk

Children need these. They are growing up in scary and uncertain times and need to know that they ARE important, brave, special and smart. They need to learn to love their bodies and to know they are exactly who they need to be. Let’s be real… Kids can be cruel at times. So giving your child the tools to overcome whatever is thrown at them will help them keep their strength and continue to grow.
12 Mantras for kids
1. I am brave
2. I am smart
3. I am beautiful
4. I am good
5. I believe in myself
6. I am special
7. I will show kindness
8. I will listen
9. I will continue to try my best
10. I will be a good friend
11. I will laugh
12. I am open to learning

Having mantras to end the day will can help solidify all the good feelings and help make your day end on such a good note. Knowing that you made it through, you were successful, you didn’t give up, whatever it was, you are appreciating it and yourself.
6 Mantras to end the day with
1. I had a good day
2. I was great today
3. I felt loved today
4. I will have good dreams
5. I will give my body & mind the rest it deserves
6. I will wake up even better
What do you say to yourself? Teach your kids? What are your favorite mantras? Let me know in the comments! Want some helpful reminders on mantras? Check out this amazing little pocket book!
Want some other great self-care ideas? Check out these simple 5-minute ideas!

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