We all know we sometimes need those extra 5-minutes!
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the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health.
“autonomy in self-care and insulin administration”
the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.

Being a mom of 4 and the amazing wife that I am, to say that I am constantly doing something is an understatement. I always have little ones asking for something or I have some sort of meal to put together or do the never-ending laundry, there is just SOMETHING all the time. Believe me, I love it but sometimes I just need 5-minutes to do something for myself.
Do you ever just think to yourself “I just want 5-minutes”? Trust me, I think it all the time too and IT IS OKAY. It is okay to have your kids wait for 5-minutes for breakfast. It is okay to ask your partner if they can take care of the kids for 5 minutes. It is okay to do things for yourself. As mommas, we do a LOT for everyone. We always have someone saying “Mommy! Mom!” or “I’m hungry!” even if they literally ate 30 seconds ago. Like, how????
Here are my 9 top ways to just get those 5 minutes to myself!
Obviously, this was going to be number 1 on my list. Those first few sips of your hot coffee are literally the best. So take the time to drink your coffee. Wake up 5-minutes earlier if you have to. Take your cup to your room. Enjoy those sips, you won’t be able to for long before the “Mommy” and the “I’m Hungry” start.

- Wash your face
One of my favorite things to do in the morning is to wash the sleep off my face. Yes, it is a thing. Washing your face, using your favorite mask or moisturizers and eye creams make all the difference and it doesn’t take a lot of time. It helps your skin and you to feel better and feel more awake and ready for the day (and kids!). Trust me, wash yo face!
My favorite face cleanser right now is Olay Daily Facials, Deeply Purifying Clean, 5-in-1 Cleansing Wipes. It is fantastic! It cleans your face, even with all that old makeup on, and leaves it feeling so incredibly refreshed (and it only takes 5-minutes!)

- Scroll Insta (or any of your favorite social media apps)
This may sound stupid, but take those 5-minutes to just scroll your favorite apps can feel so refreshing. You get to check on your favorite people or watch your favorite videos. I almost always combine this with drinking my coffee. It is such a nice little break for some me time, which is almost always needed.
- Dance to your favorite song
Putting on your favorite song and just dancing to your hearts can be so worth it. Just get down and dirty to those fantastic moves we all know you have and let it all go for 5-minutes.
- Sit in the sun
One of my favorite ways to get just 5-minutes is to just sit in our backyard and soak up the sun on my face. Listening to the birds, feeling the warm breeze, and just relaxing for a few minutes by myself (or sometimes with my hubby).
- Freshen your hair
This can go a long way! Brushing your hair, putting your favorite product in it and just giving your hair new life can make you feel so much more refreshed and ready for the day. I know I hate when I go through the day, only pulling it back and leaving to fix it up until at night when the kids are in bed. I need to take my five minutes and just freshen up my hair for it to feel alive. So take your 5 minutes and do your hair, I promise you will feel so much better!
- Snuggle your spouse
This one is my absolute favorite (okay… maybe it takes second place… I mean, hello! Coffee! Just don’t tell my husband)! Snuggling the love of your life is an amazing way to spend those extra 5-minutes. It will bring you both closer and just makes you feel all warm and cozy inside.
- Paint your nails
Something so simple but can make a world of difference in how you feel and look. My natural nails have always been something I dreaded to look at. Ever since I was young, I would bite my nails and it just became a really bad habit (That I am trying oh so hard to break!) so I found putting fake nails on or even just painting the little nails I have can make me feel so much better. Having clean and nice looking hands just shows how put together you can be. It is something so easy and small but can truly make a big difference in how you feel on the outside.
- Read a chapter of your favorite book
Who doesn’t love to just put themselves inside a really good book? I find it hard to find a lot of time to really dig deep into a book and trust me, I would love to be able but being able to take those 5-minutes is so great. It is so nice to just sit down with my cup of coffee and just read for those few minutes. It’s also really hard to stop when it gets to a really good part, so I guess there can be a downside to this too! haha!
What is your go to for quick and easy self-care?

Alita Pacio says
I love these tips. COffee is life!