The best way to keep your home clean is by having a daily cleaning schedule! It is so easy and you know what you should do every day!
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Having a clean home for me is so relaxing. Knowing that almost everything has its own spot. I am the type of person where if I do not NEED it, I will throw it away (or donate!). I cannot stand clutter. I don’t like huge bulky furniture that take up an entire room. I like having S P A C E.
Now we are far from being minimalists but this mama does not like to have clutter or big bulky furniture. It definitely is hard to feel less cluttered when we have 6 people, a dog and a cat in a tiny home but I do my best to make it as open feeling and homey as possible.
I put together my own daily cleaning schedule because I find it so much easier to follow than to wake up and look around and figure out which room I want to do that day.
– Daily 3 & Vacuum
– Master or kids bedroom (switch weekly)
– Wipe all counters
– Mop Floors
On Mondays it is always a little harder getting ready to clean because the weekend was filled with 4 kids and a husband needing every ounce of attention I have to offer so I usually start closer to the afternoon so I can drink my coffee (if our toddler lets me!). Make sure you take some of you time. It is so important!
– Daily 3 & Vacuum
– One load of laundry
– Clean bathroom(s)
Every other day I try to throw in a load of laundry because we are a big family, the laundry piles up and who wants to see that? I like to throw one load in every other day because it makes it feel much less overwhelming. I have yet to meet someone who says “I just love doing laundry!”…. If you have, are you still friends with this person?
– Daily 3 & Vacuum
– Wipe all counters
– Clean kid’s room(s)
Cleaning your kid’s room can be so overwhelming and feel like it is pointless. I know with all of my kids, the second I clean it they need to get in there and play with all the toys that they haven’t touched in months. Do I even need to mention the magical ways they sleep all while their bedding and sheets come off their bed and onto the floor? Happens every time.
Cleaning their room can feel like an endless chore because truthfully, it is. Even if they have chores themselves that include ways to keep their room clean, it still feels like there is always something you need to do in there. Believe me, I definitely get it.
– Daily 3 & vacuum
– One load of laundry
– Clean kitchen
Now when I say cleaning the kitchen, I mean really cleaning the kitchen! Going through the fridge and getting any spoiled food thrown out, wiping all of the drawers and shelves and reorganizing can make you feel so much more relaxed and help know what you will need to buy in the upcoming days.
Making sure you go through the pantry and throw away any food that have hit their expiration date (Don’t worry, everyone has a can or box of food that expired 7 years ago…right?) and organizing the shelves so you know where everything is and where to put the new items you buy.
I love kitchen storage, I could look at kitchen storage containers all day long but so far these are my favorite! They are airtight, great variety of sizes and the lids come with a strainer! They are amazing! We use them to hold flour, cereals, chips and snacks.
They have changed how much space we have in our cabinets and I am in love! While you are cleaning the kitchen, make sure you are wiping all of your appliances down because we know how many little fingers have touched the handle of that fridge…
– Daily 3 & vacuum
– Wipe all counters
– Clean master bedroom
Cleaning our room is one of my favorite rooms to clean because it is one of my favorite rooms to be in. I always try to make our room feel full of love and happiness, relaxed and just all together comfy. You know that feeling when you crawl into a nicely made bed and your whole body just relaxes?
Try adding in a whole relaxing room too. No clothes on the floor, no finger prints on the windows, no dust on the dresser, a fresh lit candle. Isn’t that one of the best feelings? Plus, who wants to have sexy time in a mess filled room. So if anything, do it for that!
– Daily 3 & vacuum
– One load of laundry
– Clean living room
Have you ever lifted up the couch and thought “When did we eat that?” or “There is the missing sock!” or “WTF!?” Yeah, I am sure we have all been there and probably hide those moments because frankly, they are gross and no one wants to admit they have done that. So lift up that couch that has been sitting there for ages and see what has been hiding underneath.
Spend today being with those you love or take the day and do you. Whatever you do, just make sure you don’t clean (unless you want to do the daily 3, those are always welcome in my book!)

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